Sunday, December 18, 2011

One thing leads to another

And shit rolls downhill.

Idiot client is just too busy with Thanksgiving to approve an invoice and then "the executive" who has to approve it is just too busy to sign off and the invoice goes 30 days overfuckingdue.

And then the agency -- a small agency that isn't exactly bringing in bagsful of cash every month anyway -- suffers a bit of a financial difficulty.

Meanwhile the dipshit client doesn't know and if she did, she wouldn't care.

Just once before I quit this business I want to tell a client I missed their God-damned publication deadline because I was just so very, very busy with other stuff. Of course, that's the day you're resigning the account, because that shit doesn't flush when it's THEM who gets fucked, does it?

Friday, December 16, 2011

So EVERYTHING you have is more important?

It amazes me how clients want to you "get 'er done" on the double and sit on their fucking thumbs with approvals.

Seriously. Is every single thing you have to do more important than taking 15 fucking minutes to review the work your agency has done at your request?


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sorry, but I'm just too busy

There's this dipshit client that needs everything on a rush basis. And the REASON they need everything on a rush basis is this:

They just can't get their shit together to remember deadlines or think about what they want to do.

So virtually everything we do for them is on a hurry-up basis.

Of course when it comes to paying their bill, they are among the slowest we have. And this month, their payment is extra-late because one person was just "so but with Thanksgiving and all" that she didn't get around to approving the invoice and then "the executive" who has to sign off just didn't get around to it.

So we have to continue to wait. For money we earned, for money they owe.

So let's imagine: If I told them one day that I missed a publication deadline because I was just so busy with Thanksgiving or because "the executive" who proofs the copy just didn't do it, what would HER reaction be.

I fucking hate clients.